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Advertise with us
We Accept BTC, DOGE, ETH, LTC, BCH, TRX, ADA, PayPal
Also try advertising on Ad Auction
1 Week = $5.00

We can make a banner for you if you dont have one. $10 per slide after that its yours. Use it as much as you want. Where you want.
Request ad space
Option 1 with form.
Must have Gmail
Best option - Easier and faster
Option 2 Through Email - No form
Email Instructions
To submit a banner ad please send following information to vitalcryptocoin@gmail.com
Subject in email MUST SAY - BUY AD SPACE - if not we may miss your request
Brief description of what your advertising - English only
Ad space number - example H1
Ad time - (1 week intervals)(Max 1 month)
Ad link
Ad Banner file (must be 468x60) more sizes coming
Hover text - Max 60 characters(optional)
Any questions Please ask in email - English only
Email Instructions

We will review ad and respond with -
payment address
Ad will be placed once we receive payment. Ad Timer starts after ad has been placed on site and active. We will Send you email with information.
Ad end time is not exact, Ads may run longer then time you payed for but never less.
please send payment within one hour.
want a space that is already in use? email vitalcryptocoin@gmail.com and get in queue.
All Ads are a minimum of 1 week
First come first serve
banner size must be 468x60
We have the right to turn down any ad for any reason